WordPress WordPress Plugins

Plugin Update: BuddyPress Automatic Friends v2.0.0

BuddyPress Automatic Friends version 2.0.0 is now available.

What’s new in version 2.0.0

* Major OOP rewrite
* Admin Menu compliance with modern BuddyPress versions
* Themes options page
* Adds donate links
* Autocomplete on Global Friend suggestions
* Ajax actions for adding/removing global friends
* General beautification



WordPress WordPress Plugins

Plugin Update: BuddyPress Automatic Friends v1.6

BuddyPress Automatic Friends version 1.6 is now available for download.

What’s new in version 1.6

* Removed debug output on user activation page
* Updated code comments to PHPdoc
* Create friendships upon user activation rather than user registration
* Update friend counts for new users

Update 1.6.1

* Post form to admin settings based on get_admin_url – fixes 404 upon saving options in the admin on multisite installs

WordPress WordPress Plugins

Plugin Update: BuddyPress Automatic Friends v1.5

BuddyPress Automatic Friends version 1.5 is now available for download.

What’s New in Version 1.5

* Add display that shows which users are selected via the admin panel
* Updated admin menu hook to support multisite
* Updated to support BuddyPress 1.5

WordPress WordPress Plugins

New Plugin Release: BuddyPress Automatic Friends

I have released a new plugin for BuddyPress that automatically creates and accepts friendships for specified users upon new user registration.  “Tom” thanks you.

You can check it out here!

Code WordPress

BuddyPress: Disable the Public Members Directory

The following code snippet can be used to disable access to the default BuddyPress Members Directory.  Simply add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file.

//Disable members directory
function disable_directory_members() {
 global $bp, $wp_query;
 $bp_is_directory = false;
 bp_core_redirect( $bp_root_domain );
add_action( 'bp_core_action_directory_members', 'disable_directory_members', 2 );

Update – 11/17/2011:  As of BuddyPress v1.5 this post this method is deprecated. You can now achieve this same result by unpublishing the ‘Members’ page from the ‘Pages menu in the admin area.