News WordPress

I’m Speaking at WordCamp Boston

This Saturday I will be giving my first ever WordCamp talk on “Breaking Away from the Blog: Unconventional WordPress“.

How often have you heard the phrase, “WordPress is great, but I need more than a blog.”? Well, much has changed in the past decade. With the blog market cornered, WordPress is both able and eager to meet new challenges; as the platform has matured, so have its APIs and functionality. The performance that is delivered in each new iteration of WordPress opens the software to an ever-expanding array of possibilities–Wikis, code gists, application documentation, customer management systems, and software services can now be easily (and enjoyably) conquered. This session aims to explore many of these unconventional applications of WordPress, as well as to encourage exploration into the many possibilities offered as the platform continues to advance.

Code WordPress

WP CLI Batch Import

Sometimes you may receive your WordPress export XML files broken up into chunks.  When this happens, it can be cumbersome to import each file one-by-one.  Instead, try throwing everything into a sub-folder and running the following shell script:

# Activate the wordpress importer
wp plugin activate wordpress-importer --url=http://localhost/
# Iterate over all of the import files in a given folder.
for f in myfolder/*.xml; do wp import $f --authors=skip --skip=attachment --url=localhost/; done
WordPress WordPress Presentations

Why PHP Developers Should Leverage WordPress

View the slides  |  View on WordPress.tvVisit Boston PHP

This presentation guides you through the development cycle of a typical WordPress project from installation to product deployment. It discusses why PHP developers should consider using WordPress for future projects, compares WordPress with other development platforms, and discusses security and best practices. It also covers theme and plugin development as well as provides a look at job opportunities and making money in the WordPress ecosystem.

News WordPress

Happy 10th Anniversary WordPress

It’s been a long time coming.

Read more about on it here on

News WordPress

Boston WordPress Hack Day on the Horizon

Have you ever been interested in contributing to WordPress, but didn’t know how to start? We’ve all been in that position. That’s why we’re putting together a day long WordPress hackathon! We’ll kick off the day with an introduction to core contributing and some information about the WordPress 3.6 development cycle, then we’ll have some lunch and spend the rest of the day working individually or in groups on tickets for core. Bring your laptops, bring your notebooks, but most of all, bring a desire to join the team and contribute.

For more information visit Boston WordPress online, or sign up here. Check in with Oomph for live updates from the event on Facebook and Twitter @oomphinc.