Code WordPress

Batch Update Multiple Git Repositories

This is a small shell script I use to batch update all of my git repositories that are children of a particular folder on my filesystem.

First create a single common folder to checkout all of your projects.  We’ll use vc.

mkdir ~/vc; cd ~/vc

Then place the following file inside the folder.

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
for FOLDER in $DIR/*/; do cd $FOLDER; echo "Updating " $FOLDER; git pull; cd $DIR; done
echo 'Done!'
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Now checkout your repositories into subfolder.

git clone wp-present

You should now end up with a folder ~/vc/wp-present/ and we can test our update script.

sh ~/vc/

The script should traverse all of the subfolders and issue git pull commands in each.