Tag Lynx Plugin

This plugin is no longer maintained and the API service is leveraged is no longer available.

  • Contributors: <a href="">stevenkword</a>
  • Tags: links, posts, social bookmarking, tag, tag lynx, tagging, taglynx, tags
  • Requires at least: 2.3
  • Tested up to: 2.8
  • Stable tag: 1.0.2
  • License: GPLv2 or later
  • License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


Tag Lynx generates interesting (and often random) links from social bookmarking sites based on your post tags. It compares your article tags to our tag database and returns what it ‘thinks’ are relevant links. (We’re not passing the Turning Test just yet.)

We created an API using our tag data to demonstrate the technology via Tag Lynx. Because the system is constantly being updated, the links appearing on your site will regularly change, thus, resulting in an influx of current and rejuvenating content.

Demo: http://www.taglynx.com/demos/demo/


The Tag Lynx can be installed in 3 easy steps:

1. Unzip "taglynx" archive and put all files into your "plugins" folder (/wp-content/plugins/) or to create a sub directory into the plugins folder (recommanded), like /wp-content/plugins/taglynx/  2. Activate the plugin  3. You may use the display_taglynx() function anywhere inside the loop.  Usage display_taglynx('title',max_num_links); 



  • Initial release!


  • Changed API Domains!